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Image by Gabe Rodriguez

The Surrency Affair

The Surrency Affair book cover by Louis Berry

John and Mayme Surrency were murdered in Jacksonville, FL on November 25, 1936, the day before Thanksgiving. Two men were hired to rob the couple of two hundred dollars. In reality, John was carrying over twenty-seven hundred dollars, which remained untouched as the pair fled. Murder appeared the ultimate goal. Sheriff Rex Swift and his deputies made short work of the investigation, and the two men and their coconspirator were apprehended on December 12, 1936. But would all three face justice? As facts were brought into the light of day, it became apparent there was more to the story. 

Clyde Hysler, the man who contracted the murder, was a member of a family whose run-ins with Jacksonville law enforcement occurred over decades prior. So deep was their connection to organized Crime, Al Capone stayed at the home of Jim Hysler, Clyde’s father, in 1930. Adding to the mystery was the untimely and mysterious deaths of Mayme Surrency’s brother, Bartow’s state senator, John Swearingen in 1931, and that of her son-in-law in July 1938. Historical facts are woven into this fictionalized story paying homage to the couple who lost their lives at a time when enjoyment of grandchildren should offer a glimpse into an everlasting existence. John and Mayme’s lives, and their ultimate demise, affected all involved in the law enforcement community. Their spirit lives on in not only family members, but in the lives of those who fought for justice.

Task Force Vigilante

Task Force Vigilante book cover by Louis Berry

Seven-year-old Madeline McVie was raped by a close family friend. Upon discovering evidence of the assault, the young girl’s parents plot their revenge which offers culpable deniability. Intercepted by a sheriff’s deputy, William McVie is offered the opportunity to not only exact revenge on his daughter’s attacker, but to dismantle a drug and human trafficking apparatus that has been operating in the small and inconsequential port town of Panama City. The establishment of a human trafficking task force brings together those who are involved and profit from the flesh of innocent women and children and those who wish to eliminate them. The criminals agree to serve on the task force to observe tactics against their organization. 

A network of townspeople develops organically to protect their children and provide counterintelligence to the two members of the task force working to bring justice to lost innocence. Nearly three decades would be spent eliminating the town’s power structure that controlled every vice and destroyed the fabric of humanity living within its limits. Normal teenage struggles exacerbated Madeline’s secret which she tried to push deeply into her subconscious. Discussions between parents and victim never occurred. Truth of circumstances were only revealed when William was arrested and tried on eight counts of murder. The Bay County Courthouse became the venue in which father and daughter finally understood the other’s struggles coping with the vilest act perpetrated upon a seven year old girl twenty-eight years earlier.

Image by Mirkos Tsarouchidis

Seeking Trinity


Adam Phillips is an aging intelligence asset. Contrary to his three decades long career, his understanding of the world’s power structure grew into the realization he’d been aiding a secret cabal of global elite in advancing their agenda of world domination. With that control came the necessity of the five families, who’d held global hegemony for a millennium, to eliminate eighty percent of the world’s population through a plan code-named Project Trinity. The project is meant to bring to fruition the maintaining of the human population at a mere half-billion, as prescribed on the Georgia Guidestones in 1980.

An accident eighteen months earlier took the lives of Adam’s wife, son, and daughter-in-law; leaving him alone to raise his granddaughter, who’d been adopted from Guatemala. Where he’d failed his son, he vowed to educate Maritza to the evil that roamed the earth; an understanding he’d been ignorant of his entire life. Allowed to act as a lone assassin during the final decade of his career, Adam’s superiors hoped he’d catch a bullet. Wet work without association offered the United States’ arm of the global power structure plausible deniability. Frustrated by his continued survival, Adam’s handlers sent a young colleague on an assignment in Key West with Phillips. Their job was to assassinate a captured Cuban Intelligence officer. Adam Phillips wasn’t meant to make it out alive. Trusting gut instinct, Adam saved the Cuban and murdered his associate, sending he and his granddaughter fleeing for their lives while simultaneously attempting to disarm the potentially genocidal Project Trinity. The odyssey of grandfather and granddaughter brought an awareness of a like-minded group working to stop Trinity, as well their purpose of strengthening the fabric of humanity.


A Sequel to Task Force Vigilante


     After twenty-eight years of suffering the effects of a rape endured when she was seven-years-old, Madeline McVie shifts perspective from that of victim to warrior.

     Her father, who’d executed a nearly three decade campaign of revenge, is murdered at the hands of local elite. Fate casts Madeline into a role for which she’s wholly unprepared.

     Fortune favors the bold.

     Personnel from military NGOs, as well as law enforcement, come to Madeline’s aid. Together, they establish a militia whose stated purpose is the eradication of evil from their community.

     Criminals continue to ply those Madeline trusts with promises of wealth beyond meager circumstances. Financial stress, created by elite, controls the population.​

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     Possessing an agenda based in equality, brings forth residents willing to put lives and Earthly possessions at risk. Intellectual allies possess the knowledge to make their town fiscally prosperous; for the benefit of all.

     Wresting dominance from families who’ve controlled local abundance since 1947 proves a Herculean task.

     The movement started by William McVie and Curtis Thomas grows organically; based in Godly love for fellow humans. When citizens benefit equally from local resources, contentment follows.

     Madeline is a modern day tale of forces for good battling those possessed by evil. David versus Goliath. Robin Hood versus the Sheriff of Nottingham.​

Short Stories

Image by Mirkos Tsarouchidis

May to December

Growth Begets Contentment

A Novella in Three Acts

May to December Cover 3D_edited_edited.p

Jasper Billings came from Tampa to Panama City to attend his mother’s funeral. The mourner encountered desperate friends hell-bent on continually embracing a time when flesh was nubile and responded to stimulus explosively. Rejecting advances from his high school girlfriend’s graveside offer of sex propelled the man toward an opportunity to juxtapose life as a teen with how he viewed human existence as a sixty year old. An innocent drive along the beach with his best friend led to a chance encounter with a woman sixteen years his senior with whom he carried on an affair in 1984. Curiosity fuels his approach to the woman he hadn’t seen in forty years. Conversation as a means of becoming reacquainted transitions into philosophical discussions of what each meant to the other in 1984, and how it affected their eternity; whether that be experienced together or separately.

Forthcoming Books


Banana Republic - Coming in 2026



Louis Berry

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