About The Author

I can trace my desire to express myself via the written medium to the earliest days of my life. As I was learning the alphabet and how to form letters into words, and words into sentences I sought out that which held meaning. My first challenge was to find an abundance of meaningful phrases to examine. They were found in the stack of my brother’s Beatles forty-five RPM records. I would sit on the bedroom floor we shared and play the records over-and-over as I wrote the lyrics on the gray wide-ruled paper we all used to perfect individual handwriting. “Love, love me do. You know I love you. I’ll always be true. So please, love me do.” Those were impactful words to me as a young boy coming to the realization I was indeed alive. For me, life took on the meaning of seeking out the most perfect love, as perfect as the harmonization of music and lyrics to which I was listening. A fool’s errand? Maybe. Maybe not.
Throughout the timeline of my own life, many obstacles impeded the ever-present desire to write; mainly financial insecurity. But as I have aged, that specific impediment is no longer a consideration for a man determined to chase his passion before it’s too late.
I’ve entered my grandfatherly years and the impact of witnessing yet another subsequent generation grow and develop has defined the subjects of which I passionately write. There is a great deal of iniquity in the world and it is my hope to capture the struggles humanity faced during the latter part of the twentieth century as well as the early twenty-first. Whether through fiction or basing stories on actual events, it is with a great deal of determination that I write about the vilest of acts perpetrated against innocence. We as a human population mustn’t forget the kind of evil that roams among us. The books on this website contain compelling stories. There will be love. There will be loss. But I will not hold back, or avoid uncomfortable subjects. We must all do our part to instill in future generations the difficulties inherent in leading a successful life.
It is with a great deal of humility that I ask for the opportunity to earn your readership.